I thought I'd actually share this small trivia with you guys as it is mildly interesting (or at least I hope it is or my ego drops even lower).
The first thing I'd like to begin with is that the reason originated from a different game. Soldier Front from Ijji (Renowned as another Counter Strike ripoff). It was the FIRST MMOFPS game I've played and as a result of that I was heavily addicted to it. FPS games were lacking in my life let alone MMO ones. So when I found this game I immediately got addicted to it and spent the next two years with that game, one year longer than Megaten. Anyways, SF is a F2P game meaning they have scams everywhere to make you buy from the Cash Shop. I won't go into too muc hdetail but essentially if you were an average player who iddn't spend money you could only afford one gun per account. This created a lot of smurf accounts so that everyone could try all the different guns. I myself had roughly 20 smurf accounts, and among them was RikkuHime.
The name itself is not what's important about it, it's what I did with that name and why I love it so much. If you are curious, I named it after a character from FFX and added some random japanese honorific. It was a smurf account, I just needed a name.
Now what I did to gain my 15 minutes of fame occurred about a year into my life cycle of SF. The fun of FPS games was starting to dwindle and I was beginning to be bored, much like evey other game I played. What I decided to do for fun then was to see how high I could get my post count on the forums. The method didn't matter, I just needed to do something to kill time. A lot of time. One thing I have to say about the SF forums is that the forums itself is more like a chatbox during peak hours. So you can find yourself replying to one thread and there'll be about 7 new replies when you refreshed the forum. Anyways, I started to get noticed by people when they saw that EVERY thread on the first few pages were all last replied by me. Mind you, there's a 60 second spam-free time inbetween posts so I had to wait between them. Needless to say though, I didn't neccessarily spammed, but responded to every thread with one lined sentence instead of the obnoxious "lulz bad thread gtfo" comments. I made sensible sentences that actually responded to the thread. Maybe this is why people put up with me for the most part as the spam wasn't obnoxious, but there were the few people who clearly didn't like me.
To give you a sense of how much free time I had with this, I got 1,000 posts in about 4-7 days. I can't exactly remember the exact period. However needless to say people noticed me.
Another part contributing to my fame was my gender. People thought I was female for whatever reason why. I found humour in this and neither accepted or denied this statement and everyone followed suit and treated me as female. It raised many sexist comments about me over the forums but nonetheless it was still funny to watch. On a side note, people thought I was female in Megaten too. However, it kind of made sense because I played a female character but still, am I that feminine to be taken as a female? Truth be told, if I ever get around to writing it, I was constantly getting hit on by one of my clan leaders in open beta.
Because of this fame that I've acquired I made new friends with people and started to enjoy SF by playing with them. Their personalities varied, but I don't think you care about that much anyways.
Now to say, my original goal with spamming the forums was just to get 5,000 posts and get the last rank one could achieve on there. Just a small time thing to do to keep me preoccupied with the game and company itself. I did end up getting to 5,000 posts after 6 months and just vanished after that (I'm aware I'm getting the timeline mixed up but it was 2 years ago, I don't remember fine details like this).
But yes, the fame I've gotten from doing something like this wasn't exactly major, but enough for recognition. The older forummers regarded me with dislike, while the others watched me with amusement. People tolerated me, but I could tell I was not liked as well as a celebrity. If I had to rank myself on a scale, I'd say I was a 6. 0 being normal forummer and 10 being celebrity. People knew who I was, but it was rather infamy than fame.
Negative things did happen though. I got flamed. I got mocked. I became a verb. Some people started acting like me for whatever reason.
Finishing up though, while I was playing League of Legends, 2 years after I disappeared from Ijji people called me out and recognized me. I must say I was fairly amused with that.
Because of what happened at Ijji about 2-3 years ago I feel attachment to this name and get slightly angered if someone takes it.
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" However, it kind of made sense because I played a female character but still, am I that feminine to be taken as a female?" <-- Indi